Monthly General Meeting, January 2025
Board composition & restructuring, AGM election process, bylaws section numbering, staff privileges cleanup
Board composition & restructuring, AGM election process, bylaws section numbering, staff privileges cleanup
Discussion about the recent LLM blog post, clarifying our position on the use of the network by minors and content suitable for network users, bylaws change for general secretary position
E-mail retention, general secretary election, abuse mitigation
This meeting did not take place.
Formalising the position of general secretary, testing new software for holding meetings.
Shutting down Libera/Matrix coordination channels.
Finishing up a change to the channel namespace policy and an initial discussion about a user mode for IRC bots.
Relaxation of namespace policy
Confirmation of new staffer, adding a venue clause to our policies, possible namespace policy update, purging highly expired registrations, policy typo fix
New staff member
Approval of annual report. Election of a new board for operating year 2024. Discharge of last year’s board. Set membership fee. Discussion on MGM minutes deadlines. Plan for April Fools’ Day. Discussion on showing K-line durations.
The merits of relicensing our website content as CC BY-SA
About fundraising, specifically adding a goal to our Liberapay
Discussion of connection limits for other Matrix bridges, whether accounts should receive automatic user cloaks upon registration verification
Typo fix in Bylaws
Add a new member to the Complaints Rota and discuss handling of inactive members of the Rota.
Changes to our privacy policy, complaints process, and the maximum number of grouped nicknames.
Confirmation of new and returning staff, placement of funds in a savings account with intersest, discussion of the pros/cons of centralized internal log management, discussion of possible changes to account expiry and nick limits.
New staff members and Matrix bridge discussion.
Approval of a new Projects & Community Team representative, further discussion about the EMS-run Matrix bridge, consideration of more staff candidates, whether to invert the behaviour of the chm_noctcp (+C) channel mode, further discussion about wallops vs global notices
Approval of a new organisation member, Deciding whether to enable the enforcement actions of an abuse management tool, Further discussion about having an official Mascot for the network/organisation
Changes to Complaints documentation, Channel closure options, New staff members, +w
by default.
Approval of annual report. Election of a new board for operating year 2023. Discharge of last year’s board. Set membership fee. Discuss course of action regarding the EMS Matrix bridge. Plan for April Fools’ Day. Agree to make login failure notices opt-in.
Ironing out oper privsets, Matrix bridge problems, and clarifying the license for our logo.
Bylaw change pertaining to hiring, timeline for upcoming hires, planning out board elections, and a recap on the progress of a new user mode.
Approval of a staff member in to the org
Staff proxy voting, tweaking invite-notify, and hiding idle times
Merch provider backlinks, assisting migration, and some policy gubbins.
Board elections, potential trademark, and potential irc feature improvements.
New staff candidates, trademark registration, ratification of board decisions surrounding the complaints process, migration of internal documentation, and appropriateness of certain channel types on the network.
Approval of a new staff member, discuss adding a new Trust & Safety committee
New piece of infrastructure, public participation in Working Groups, and officially recognised & trusted external contributors
Approval of a new auditor, discuss Libera-branded merch, and load additional Solanum modules.
Confirmation new members. Developed org resilience plans. Considered 3rd party infrastructure. Reviewed internal governance policies.
Approval of annual report. Election of a new board for operating year 2022. Discharge of last year’s board. Set membership fee. Moved the seat of the organisation.
Restriction on collecting and sharing private info, internal oversight, NickServ registration via the web, bypassing IP blocklists while using SASL, adjustments to an internal channel, accepting donations, difficulties with the Matrix bridge, and staff recruitment efforts.
Staff misconduct process ratification, privacy policy updates, preparations for upcoming chair election, loading channelmode +T
, renaming of internal channels, updating oper privsets, access to organisational vs staff tools, minutes storage, chm_operonly
, changes to purpose of internal channel.
Short meeting where nothing was discussed (holidays)
Rescheduling the December MGM, update on chair elections, data retention, sponsor recognition, policy to forbid doxing, allowing board members to lose quorum status, reducing the number of grouped nicknames, server-side filtering, and group contact engagement.
Update on bank account, data retention, preparations for chair elections, consensus-based decision making training, follow up on transparency - real names on the website, minutes storage, +w
by default.
Approval of new members, bylaws amendment about expiring quorum status, discussion around DNSBLs / DroneBL, update on bank account, changing the nick expiration policy, permanent solution for opt in user cloaking without staff intervention, consensus-based decision making training, and an update from the working group on processes for dealing with staff misconduct.
Approval of new members, preparations for chair elections, staff and member activity, staff recruiting, bridging, nickname expiration, and a follow up on transparency - real names on the website
De-listing proprietary platforms from our website, defining processes in case of staff misconduct, transparency - real names on the website, consensus building, and meeting timing.