Managing Groups

Groups are projects and communities that have done the group registration process.

Libera.Chat uses an Atheme feature called ProjectServ to track group registrations. It shows some additional information and provides convenient features in NickServ and ChanServ.

Please note that this process is completely separate from channel registration. You do not need a group registration to create channels. The features in this guide are only available for channels that are managed by a registered group.

Check if a channel is managed by a group

You can tell if a channel is part of a namespace by looking at the INFO output from ChanServ.

For example, /msg ChanServ INFO #libera shows:

ChanServ: The #libera namespace is registered to the project

Check if you are a Group Contact

If you already have a group registration set up with us, and you are listed as a Group Contact (GC) for the namespace you have chosen, it will be displayed to you if you do /msg NickServ INFO. Look for a line like:

NickServ: Group contact for projectname (#projectname; projectname/*)

Check what channels the group manages

GCs can audit the channels registered within their namespace with ChanServ. The LISTGROUPCHANS command will output a list of every channel registered in their namespace.

-- ChanServ: ***** ChanServ Help *****
-- ChanServ:
-- ChanServ: Help for LISTGROUPCHANS:
-- ChanServ:
-- ChanServ: The LISTGROUPCHANS command shows registered channels which belong
-- ChanServ: to a namespace that you are a group contact for. If a filter is given,
-- ChanServ: only shows the channels which match the filter. Otherwise, all channels
-- ChanServ: in your namespaces are reported.
-- ChanServ:
-- ChanServ: Syntax: LISTGROUPCHANS [filter]
-- ChanServ:
-- ChanServ: Examples:
-- ChanServ:     /msg ChanServ LISTGROUPCHANS
-- ChanServ:     /msg ChanServ LISTGROUPCHANS #coolproject-*
-- ChanServ:
-- ChanServ: ***** End of Help *****

CLAIM can be used for any channels that should not be there.

Managing group cloaks

NickServ can be queried by GCs for a list of every cloak that has been assigned for their project or community through the LISTGROUPCLOAKS command.

-- NickServ: ***** NickServ Help *****
-- NickServ:
-- NickServ: Help for LISTGROUPCLOAKS:
-- NickServ:
-- NickServ: The LISTGROUPCLOAKS command shows accounts who are assigned a cloak belonging
-- NickServ: to one of the cloak namespaces you are a group contact for.
-- NickServ: If a filter is given, only shows accounts which match the filter.
-- NickServ: Otherwise, all accounts with cloaks in your namespaces are reported.
-- NickServ:
-- NickServ: Syntax: LISTGROUPCLOAKS [filter]
-- NickServ:
-- NickServ: Examples:
-- NickServ:     /msg NickServ LISTGROUPCLOAKS
-- NickServ:     /msg NickServ LISTGROUPCLOAKS coolproject/*
-- NickServ:
-- NickServ: ***** End of Help *****

GCs have a standing invitation to the #libera-communities channel where they may request cloak changes for projects that they are a registered GC for.

Claiming channels for a group

CLAIM allows you to acquire a channel within your namespace even if that channel is already registered to someone else, without the need for staff intervention. It can also be used for initial registration even if it is not already taken.

-- ChanServ: ***** ChanServ Help *****
-- ChanServ:  
-- ChanServ: Help for CLAIM:
-- ChanServ:  
-- ChanServ: The CLAIM command allows you to take control of a channel
-- ChanServ: belonging to a project you are authorized to represent.
-- ChanServ:  
-- ChanServ: Syntax: CLAIM <#channel>                            
-- ChanServ:  
-- ChanServ: Examples:
-- ChanServ:     /msg ChanServ CLAIM #coolproject-dev            
-- ChanServ:  
-- ChanServ: ***** End of Help *****

Using CLAIM to grab a channel from someone else might be seen as hostile, or it could confuse people, so it is a good idea to at least give some warning. Try to ask for the cooperation of people who have already occupied or registered a channel before taking it from them.

Other changes

Libera.Chat requires that GC and namespace changes be requested through email tickets so that there is a paper trail of the change requests. Primary GCs can request changes through a ticket sent to

If a namespace has been abandoned and there is no GC available to make this request, transfer of the namespace may be requested through the group registration process.

If you have other questions about changes or processes for your groups, all GCs have access to #libera-communities to get support from fellow GCs and network staff.