Annual Report 2022

The board for Libera Chat (802535-6448) hereby submits their annual report for the fiscal year 2022-01-01 – 2022-12-31.


Libera Chat operates a general purpose IRC network which at the end of the year served approx 92 000 registered users and 22 000 registered channels.

Libera Chat’s general purpose IRC network was launched 2021-05-19 and is operated by the organisation’s members on a volunteer basis. All infrastructure used for the network is donated and/or sponsored.

At the end of the fiscal year the organisation had 33 members.

We thank our sponsors for their continued support in providing infrastructure, everyone who has supported us with donations, the nearly one thousand projects who have decided to call Libera Chat home for their IRC presence, and all of our users who continue to make Libera Chat a thriving IRC network.



The organisation held 12 Monthly General Meetings during the fiscal year.

The organisation held 1 Extraordinary General Meeting during the fiscal year.


At the end of the fiscal year the board comprised


The organisation has had two layman auditors for the fiscal year: A_Dragon, amdj.


The Libera Chat Bylaws have been revised by 2 Monthly General Meetings.

The privacy policy has been revised 4 times during the fiscal year.


The result for the year is approximately 120 000 SEK, compared to 0 SEK last year.

Libera Chat’s expenses for the year have only been for domains, PO Box, and banking services.

The full financial report can be found in Appendix 1.


The Board asked the Projects & Community Team, Engineering Team, and Operations Team to submit a report of their activities for the fiscal year; they are attached.

The financial report and the auditor’s report are also attached.